What can you do today to show love?

We say “I love…” easily: I love my wife, I love my kids, I love my work, I would love to sit down in Swiss Chalet tonight and have a 1/4 white meat chicken with a caesar salad (but I can’t, because I’m practising self-isolation). But during this unprecedented time, we have a great opportunity to show the truth of our love, by our actions.

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Observing Lent—An Ancient Practice

Lent is a season where we choose to surrender some common activities or consumptions that serve as scaffolding that prop up our life. It’s a concerted effort to dismantle the false dependencies that have supported us for too long and exchange the false supports for a greater dependency on Jesus. For some we surrender our dependency on coffee, for others it’s potato chips, or social media and for some really brave souls—it’s Netflix!

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Choosing Surrender Over Control

If you’re anything like me, you crave control. Whether it be within your own life and personal outcomes, or the decisions of those around you; there is a burning desire within you to make things go your way. I like to think of myself as a recovered control freak but let’s be real—I can still colour coordinate with the best of them.

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Psychologists actually believe now that we suffer from something called hurry sickness, which is defined as a behaviour pattern characterized by continual rushing and anxiousness, or an uncomfortable feeling in which someone feels chronically short of time, and so tends to perform every task faster and to get flustered when encountering any kind of delay. Does this at all sound familiar?

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One Life—Live it Well!

Our first blog for 2020 is not intended to be a downer, but a simple call to make the most of our one and only life. In fact, each Sunday morning in January, we’re exploring how we can ‘make the most of our one and only life.’ We get one body and we should care for it! Failure is a certainty in the year ahead—but how we bounce back is our choice!

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Looking Past the Screens

We are living in a time where we are hyper-connected, globally minded, and yet full of anxiety, loneliness, and fear. Our minds are constantly being filled with how to dress, what to say, what not to say, how often to go to the gym, what foods will make you thinner, that you should make more money but also vacation more, etc. These pressures are hard to escape as they come to us even through the small screens that we hold in our pockets all day, every day.

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