Behind the Scenes

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “Behind the Scenes”? If you are like me, my mind goes to all the work that gets done out of public view, for the making of a Movie or Production. Often we give very little thought to all this work, when we find our seats and take in the Presentation. But the work that goes into a movie or production is always like an iceberg—90% behind the scenes and 10% what we end up actually seeing in the Theatre.

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Election 2019—How would Jesus vote?

How does a Jesus following person vote in 2019?  Is there such a thing as a responsible way for a Christian to cast their ballot? Should we all vote for the same party? Is it possible to see the issues very differently and yet still be ‘up close’ in our adventure of following Jesus? How would Jesus vote if he was a Canadian in 2019?  Would Jesus vote at all?

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Sinners in the hands of a LOVING God

On July 8, 1741 Jonathan Edwards wrote and delivered a sermon that was entitled ‘Sinners in the hands of an ANGRY God.’  It was part of what many have come to call the Great Awakening.  The sermon focused on the wrath of God and was a well-intentioned effort to prompt people to enter the Kingdom of God by emphasizing God’s anger at sin, but according to Brian Zahnd—this effort to emphasize God’s anger with sin became God’s anger with the sinner.

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How screens are shaping teen sleep—and what you can do about it

In some ways, grappling with teenagers over bedtime has been a perennial rite of passage for parents. It’s developmentally appropriate, after all. Teenagers’ sleep rhythms shift around mid-adolescence and their bodies prefer staying up late and sleeping far into the day. While this adjustment is natural, it presents problems in many households because school still starts early and sleep-deprived teenagers are, well, hard to deal with in the morning. 

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