Sunday Livestream
Stay connected as we host our church-wide gatherings online on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Our Live Stream will become available to view at 10:15am. Follow along with the scripture talk notes in the YouVersion app.
Online Giving
Thank you for supporting God’s work in the Durham Region and around the world. We couldn’t do this without you!
Kids Program
We want to help kids connect with God in a meaningful and age appropriate way. Catch up on all our Bible stories and songs on our YouTube Channel. Select the correct playlist (according to age group and date) to watch from home! Download and print off the kids Sunday gathering notes if they’re watching with you here at this link.
Connect with us
We are here to help! If you want to connect with a pastor, you can access our online connect card and one of our pastors will reach out to you and set up a time to connect making good use of technology. We don’t want anyone to feel alone!
Prefer to listen instead?
If you’d rather listen to the audio alone, you can access all of our scripture talks through the King Street Community Church podcast. Search it on the Apple podcast app, or use the button below to listen through our website.
If this is your first time joining us, we’re glad you’re with us today.
We continue to meet both in-person and on our YouTube channel. We see tremendous value of being in the same room and interacting in-person, and we would love to have you join us if you’re local and able to do so!
This weekend we’re hosting Alexandra Smith in conversation, from an organization called; “End Jew Hatred.” Our teaching theme this weekend is called - Love Always Protects. Hope you will come and hear about the protective nature of love, which is the ethos of life in the Kingdom of God.
We’ve provided opportunities for you to give in support of our mission at King Street Community Church—you can find the giving page here. We realize that everyone is facing some unique challenges, and the church is no different. As you honour God with your giving, you help us to continue to serve the Lord’s purposes—everything has changed, but the mission remains the same.
Yours for loving God, loving people and serving the world,
Dave Larmour
Lead Pastor