Embrace Who God Created You to Be: The World Needs Your Different!

As a community of faith people, there are many of us who like rules. We like the safety and comfort of the black and white do’s and don’ts, and struggle with the grey. We like the ‘thou shalts’ and tend to feel good about ourselves when we can check off the boxes of obedience and adhere to authority.

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Lent: What is it and why celebrate it?

In our secular culture, we may be much more familiar with the season of time when Tim Horton’s offers the ‘Roll up the Rim’ campaign.  I never seem to win – but that’s besides the point.  ‘Role up the Rim’ often runs beside the season of Lent – depending on how the calendar falls each year.  I think Tim Horton’s historically decided they didn’t want us to fast coffee!

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