What to Expect on Sundays
Worship Gathering time: 10:30am
+ Should I wear a mask?
As Ontario's mask mandate is now lifted, you will no longer be required to wear a mask. However, if you prefer to wear one, you are welcome to. We’re deeply committed to respecting the welfare and health of one another and loving our neighbour is central to our faith.
+ Will there be childcare?
Yes, there is nursery available for babies 0–24 months old, and children's programs for ages 2–grade 5. The children are split up by age. We have appropriate PPE for all of our volunteers, adequate cleaning supplies, and we've limited the number of toys in each room as well as removed any fabric material toys.
+ Will water baptisms be happening?
Yes, we are doing water baptisms! If you're interested in becoming water baptised, please fill out the form on the water baptism page.
+ Will the café be open?
Yes, our café is open 30 minutes before and after the start of each gathering. Come and relax with a drink and snack of your choice!
+ How long will the worship gathering be?
The worship gatherings will be 50-60 minutes in length.
+ How will we celebrate communion?
The second Sunday of the month is our Communion Sunday. Upon entering the lobby, there will be a table wherr you can pick up be a water bottle and a cracker in a sealed bag that you can take into the auditorium.
+ Will we have to pass the offering bag?
No, we have installed Giving Drop Boxes in the lobby and in the back of the auditorium for you to make your contribution. No offering bags will be passed. The debit machine in the lobby will be wiped down after every use by one of our sanitizing team members.
+ Will online worship gatherings continue to be offered?
Yes! We'll continue to offer worship gatherings on our YouTube channel each Sunday morning at 9:00am and 10:30am. The gathering will remain on YouTube to be watched at a later time if the 9:00am or 10:30am time doesn't work for your schedule.
+ Will there be congregational singing?
Worship is so much more than singing, but it includes it. Yes, Our worship team will lead us in a thoughtful set of songs to help us worship God together.
+ Will there be a paper bulletin or program?
We will not be handing out a paper bulletin. We have a digital information card available on our website so you can have a digital copy of it on your phone if you'd like. We are working hard to use digital platforms and promote a touchless experience for you.
+ Will greeters or hosts offer to shake my hand and will there be a meet and greet moment during the worship gathering?
All of our hosts are trained not to offer you a physical greeting and the meet and greet moment in our gathering is no longer a part of our worship gathering for purposes of personal safety.
+ Are the online and in-person worship gatherings identical?
For the most part—yes. The online gathering will include the same songs, though there may be a different worship leader from time to time. The teaching pastor will be the same and giving the same talk. The online gathering will be pre-recorded, though live-stream is being considered for the longer term. We are committed to remain online indefinitely.
+ What is happening with group life, are groups meeting in person?
We are doing a hybrid of online and in person. We're excited to be moving to more in person gatherings as restrictions open up. If you're wondering about a specific event, please visit our upcoming events page!