Promo Request

Promo requests are handled by Riley (as Lauren is on maternity leave). Please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible. The deadlines for promo requests are as follows, or they will be completed the week after:

Scripture Talk Notes: Tuesday 12pm
Event Promo: Monday 12pm
E-Newsletter: Monday 12pm

It’s best to have events up as early as possible on our website, (even months if you’d like to) so that attendees can plan their schedules and have something to look forward to.


Social Media Request

Social Media requests can take between 3 days to a week to fulfill. If you know what you’d like in advance, submit the social media request early and it’s guaranteed to be ready for your date. Here are some sample ideas:

A reel of event photos from your recent or upcoming event to be posted afterwards
Quote from your current series
A how-to guide (that will help people form core Christian practices at their lifestage perhaps?)
Event Promo (but make sure your whole feed isn’t just event promos, it should only be a fifth of the content)