Support for Israel and the Jewish Community
Genesis 12:1–3
The LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Sign Up for Action Alerts from the Centre of Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)
CIJA is the advocacy organization for Canada’s organized Jewish community
The Centre of Israel and Jewish Affairs issues Action Alerts keep supporters informed about developments of interest, and provide opportunities for the public to make our voices heard through letters to elected officials. You can sign up to receive updates and alerts here:
Here are examples of previous Action Alerts:
Support letters
There are sample letters that are suited for allied community members to send to elected officials. Letters are also available through the CIJA alerts above. The language is adapted for allied communities of the Jewish community.
The letters should speak with your voice, so feel free to add references that are meaningful. For example, solving this crisis is a moral, ethical, and critical obligation that is rooted in being people of peace. Indeed, there is a Biblical value that calls for the release of slaves and prisoners (see Jubilee), also relating to Joseph and Daniel and also in Isaiah 61:1-2: In the Gospels Jesus sites Isaiah and elsewhere calls for compassion and release of prisoners.
Video Updates
If you are interested in getting a daily update about the hostages and the Gaza War from Israel provided by TBN with Yair Pinto you can subscribe to the YouTube channel. This regular video update invites opportunities for specific prayer for Israel and the Jewish community
The "Uprooting an Ancient Hatred: What You Need to Know About Antisemitism" series created by FIRM (Fellowship of Israeli Related Ministries - a Global Partner of King Street) you can watch all four videos here -
Sign up for Honest Reporting Alerts
HonestReporting is another great site that covers media bias against Israel. They also have alerts (you can sign up in the middle of the page)
Purchasing Freedom Tags – Goes to Charity for the Hostages
Here is where the Freedom Tags can be purchased Freedom Tags.