Pursue is a Christian Conference for students grades 6–12 from across Central and Eastern Ontario. Pursue exists to serve and create momentum for student ministries by creating an opportunity for students to have a life-changing experience with God!
Sign up link: https://pursue-youth-convention-2024-king-street-community-church.pushpayevents.com/
Date: May 17-18
Location: KSCC & Canada Christian College
Who: Grades 6-12
Early Bird Rate: $125 until April 19th
Regular Rate: $140 until May 10th
$10 discount for 2 or more students
Price includes registration, 3 main sessions, late night events, all meals, afternoon activities, transportation and accommodations. Leaders and parents go for $70.
Visit the King Street Youth page for more details or contact Pastor Alysha (alysha@kingstreet.org).